Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Networking to Get a New Job

By: Keisha White
Antonelli College Cincinnati
Career Services

Career professionals approximate that the immense majority of job openings are never advertised or publicly announced, but filled through word-of-mouth or networking. This is also known as the "hidden job market." The probability of a job opening not being advertised at all increases with the level of the job. Needless to say, most job seekers fail to fully utilize networking to its full potential.

Networking means developing a broad list of contacts which are people you've met through various social and business functions and using them to your advantage when looking for a job. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and/or introduce you to others so that you can continue to expand your network.

The best place to start developing your network is with your family, friends, and neighbors and with their family, friends, and neighbors. Talk to co-workers, colleagues in your industry, and those you meet at industry gatherings, such as trade shows and conferences. Talk with former co-workers, bosses, teachers etc.

The key to successful networking is deciding to put in the energy needed to make it work. First, you need to get organized (for example, keeping a business card file or computer database). Second, you need to stay in contact (for example, through regular phone calls or emails). Third, you need to set goals for yourself (such as 5 new contacts per week).

Steps to Successful Networking:

1. Conduct a self-assessment. An honest review of your strengths and weaknesses is vital. You should make some decision relating to the types of jobs you want and the types of companies and industries that interest you.

2. Prepare a strong resume. If you don't already have a resume, now is the time to develop one. You should ideally develop resumes according to what job/s you are interested in.

3. Decide how to organize your network. This step is crucial to your success. If you have ongoing access to a computer, the best method is a spreadsheet where you can enter key information, such as names, titles, company names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and dates of communication. Keeping an organized collection of business cards, where you can write notes and comments about your network, is another alternative.

4. Communicate with your network. It is exceedingly important to stay in touch with your network, which you can easily do by phone, mail, or email. Don't be afraid to ask for their help. Most people like helping others, and you must communicate your current needs with your network in order for them to be able to help you.

5. Initiate informational interviews. One of the best ways to gain more information about an occupation or industry and to build a network of contacts in that field is to talk with people who are currently working in the field. The purpose of the informational interview is to gain information, not to get a job.

6. Follow up with your network. The key is keeping your network informed of your situation and thanking them for their efforts. Never take your network for granted. Sending thank you notes is very important as this shows your network your appreciation.

Have questions regarding networking? Please contact Keisha White at keisha.white@antonellicollege.edu

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