Job Fair “To Do’s”
By: Keisha White
Job fairs are becoming a more universal method of entry level recruiting and initial screening. For the corporate recruiter, they offer an opportunity to the highest possible number of prospects in the shortest feasible amount of time. For many students, job fairs provide a freebie opportunity to meet with a manifold of employers in the same day. Are you a job fair goer? If you are, consider some of the following ideas and strategies as you represent you and your brand at that next job fair event:
1. Make sure you always smile.
2. Walk confidently with good posture.
3. Shake hands firmly and confidently.
4. Maintain great eye contact.
5. Take a writing instrument with you.
6. Take a notepad for jotting down notes.
7. Take extra copies of your resume, references, business cards, etc.
8. Ask questions and show interest.
9. Initiate conversation and introduce yourself in a professional manner.
10. Say “good morning, good afternoon, hello, or hi'
11. Be pleasant and polite.
12. Act like you are happy to be there.
13. Refrain from saying "I am looking for a job and will take about anything."
14. Show gratitude and appreciation.
15. Follow-up when you say you will.
16. Show energy and enthusiasm, regardless of how long you have been out of work.
17. Make yourself memorable in a good way.
18. Practice your “elevator pitch” prior to arrival.
19. Treat fellow job seekers with respect.
20. Dress in professional attire.
21. Discover one new idea or one new bit of wisdom from the employers.
22. Network with at least one new person.
23. Take a moment to meet and greet workshop leaders.
24. Offer to help somebody with something.
25. Speak with confidence.
26. Share a job search tip with co-attendees.
27. And always, say thank you.
Have questions in regards to job fairs? Please contact Keisha White at